Wonder Biodigesters


The layout of the biodigester at your site requires a biodigester pit and soak pit. The biodigester pit is where the biodigester is installed and connected with a pipe to a soak pit filled with hardcore permeable stones. Through the final manhole of your building plumbing line, the wastewater/sewage from the toilet is directed to the biodigester while water from the kitchen, bathroom, or laundry is directed to the soak pit. In cases where the toilet, kitchen, laundry, and bathroom water is on a single line please let our representative put it into consideration during the preliminary design of the biodigester. Once the sewage is in the biodigester, anaerobic bacteria present digest the biodegradable solids from the human waste. The byproduct is effluent with reduced human waste solids and is directed to the soak pit for soakage.

Yes. When the installation of your biodigester is complete, we will dose it with anaerobic bacteria. This will act as active bacteria and will ensure digestion of human waste starts as soon as sewage enters the biodigester. Afterward, they will reproduce and multiply as anaerobic bacteria naturally exist in human waste. After some time of use of your biodigester and upon request or need the anaerobic bacteria/ enzymes can be added.

To know the size of the biodigester you have to provide us with the number of users. The number of users in this case is the total number of people who are living or doing their operations in your home, office, institution, hotel, etc.

Biodigester costs depend on the number of people who will be using the residence. To give you the cost we will need to know the number of users and sometimes the location too. Biodigester cost though ranges from Ksh. 70,000 to 500,000.

Most times the cost you will be given does not include the excavation of biodigester and soak pits. It also does not include hardcore that is used to backfill the soak pit. If you need the costs included please let our representative know and it will be so.

Wonder Biodigesters offices and workshop is in Ruiru town. You are welcome to visit though our biodigesters are fabricated upon confirmation of an order from a client.
Please see more contact information on our Contact Us page

Wonder biodigesters grant you a 5-year warranty and 1-year free maintenance. Check out our Products page to order and chat with us.

You will not need to exhaust your biodigester if the users for which the biodigester was designed remained the same. Also ensure non-biodegradable matter like nylons, wood, tampons, and clothes are not directed through the drainage line to the biodigester.

There is no maintenance required and if it is required you will be advised by our representative.

The biodigester is designed to work for a lifetime. It is equated to the service that your house or premises will give you.

It takes 2- 14 days. This depends on site conditions and the size of the biodigester.

You can use your installed biodigester as soon as we complete installation, testing, and handing over.

Yes, most of our biodigester projects are located in rocky and black cotton soils. Wonder Biodigester’s experienced and knowledgeable team of engineers takes into consideration the nature of rocky and black cotton soils while providing design to make sure the biodigester will work effectively after installation.

Yes upon your request we can take you to some of our completed biodigester projects.

If you need to reuse water from biodigester please let our representative know and they will include further design to ensure the water is reusable. Afterward, you could use the treated or recycled water for irrigation on farms, carwash, and cleaning at home or premises. Please note that recycled water cannot be used in the kitchen or for any human consumption.

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